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June 5, 2012

Eisley - Deep Space EP

Eisley is a band who  I only started to listen to at the start because of the fact that their lead singer is married to Say Anything's Max Bemis, but after hearing more of Eisley they became more of a band who I could find myself really enjoying instead of just because of Max Bemis. Eisley is a family band made up of siblings vocalist/guitarist Sherri DuPree-Bemis, Stacy DuPree on keys and vocals, Chauntelle DuPree on guitars and vocals, Weston DuPree on drums, and their cousin Garron DuPree on bass.  They formed in Tyler, Texas in 1997 and so far have released 3 full length studio albums which were "Room Noise" in 2005 off of Reprise, "Combinations" in 2007 off of Warner Bros., and "The Valley" in 2011 off of Equal Vision Records. They have also released 10 EPs, while only 7 were released off of record labels, 1 off Record Company, 5 off of Reprise, 1 off Sire and now Deep Space EP which was released on Feb. 14 ,2012 and also off on Equal Vision Records, as was their most recent full length. I would describe them as an almost indie pop rock with other almost 'space' rock characteristics, you would like this album if you like Passion Pit or Never Shout Never's album Time Travel I think you would get into an album like this. The album only consists of 5 tracks, 1."Lights Out", 2."Laugh It Off", 3."Deep Space", 4."192 Days", 5."One Last Song", totaling just under 20 min. I have heard Eisley's last full length, and it feels as this EP is just an extension of that. I really enjoy this band and almost every thing they put out, and this EP is no exception. After listening to this CD a good 20-30 times I have decided to rate it with a
4.4 Out Of 5 Stars
because of that fact that even though this band plays a genre that usually I'm not to crazy about, I think they pulled it off beautifully. My only big complaint is that lyrically this album really lacked and the fact that this album, although doing it smoothly, really felt like one big song and difficult to tell where one song stops and the other begins. Sherri really shines with her perfect soothing vocals. The band always plays amazingly together, whether it is just because they are family or just because they are amazing musicans. I mostly never do track-by-track reviews but since this album only has 5 songs, I will do quick summary's of things I enjoyed about each song. The opening track on the album "Lights Out" has the most soothing melody on the album, but as for lyrically, the rest of the album included was nothing spectacular. However the lyrics on "Laugh It Off" were the best on the album, and it it one of the slowest paced songs. Even though most of the EP is set to a really slow relaxing tempo, I believe that they really pulled everything off perfectly. If you want to listen to a song on the album that really sums up Eisley as a whole, it would be the title track "Deep Space" because both the music and the vocals really shined on this song, and if you like this song I believe you are going to be a fan of the band as a whole. The track "192 Days" was a demo from an older EP and this song, although catchy has the most corny lyrics on the entire EP. The final song on the album "One Last Song" is my personal favorite song on the album because of the way it flows, and the instrumental sections, the lyrics are also some of my favorite on the album. If you are a fan of Eisley or have now become one after reading my, mostly, positive review of their new EP, you can no longer pick it up from their MerchNow store as I did, being that it is sold out but it is available in a limited quanity on Thats all for this one and until next time

June 4, 2012

Bombay Bicycle Club - A Different Kind Of Fix

Bombay Bicycle Club is an indie rock band formed in 2005 in Crouch End, London, England. So far they have released 3 studio albums their first being "I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose" in 2009, "Flaws" in 2010, and "A Different Kind Of Fix" which was released on August 26, 2011 everywhere but it was not until January 17, 2012 that it was released in the U.S. All of their albums have been released off of Island records, except for the U.S. edition of "A Different Find Of Fix" which was released off of A&M/Octane Records. The band consists of Suren de Saram on drums, Jamie MacColl on guitar, Ed Nash on bass, and Jack Steadman on vocals. The album has 12 tracks totaling around 50 minutes, a relatively long album. This band is for fans of bands like Death Cab For Cutie, Bon Iver, City & Colour, Portugal. The Man, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. The album has the most relaxing feel to it, almost as if you are floating. The lyrics are extremely heart-felt and meaningful. Albums like this are very hard to review because of the pure simplicity of the album, where most of the songs have the same soothing feel to it. I have listened to this album a number of times and really focused on the music, and decided that an appropriate rating for this album is a
4.0 Out Of 5 Stars
because of the fact that although I do really like the CD, it is not something I would find myself listening to on a regular basis or singing along to. The album had almost this feel that the music background to a movie or TV show drama would have. Their were a few stand out tracks on this album I thought such as "Bad Timing" which had an almost alt rock feel to it at some points, and the single "Lights Out, Words Gone" which not only had a great melody but also amazing female backing vocals over really meaningful lyrics. The other main single off of the album "Shuffle" is one of the most fast paced and catchy songs on the whole album. If you were only going to download/listen to one song just to get the feel for the band and the album it should be the opening track "How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep" because I think it is the most relaxing song on the CD and I think that is Bombay Bicycle Club's most redeeming quality. I was not the only person who enjoyed their album because it received amazing praise along with peaking at #6 on the UK 200, and it is even certified Gold in the UK, along with all of their albums. If you guys liked "A Different Kind Of Fix" as much as I did, tell me about in the comments and make sure to support the band by going to your local record store to pick up their music, or do what I did and order it off of That's all for now so until next time,

June 3, 2012

MXPX - Plans Within Plans (Album Review)

MxPx, one of the biggest and most influential pop-punk/punk rock bands of the past decade, among others such as Sum 41, Green Day, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, and New Found Glory and influenced by bands like NOFX, Black Flag, and The Descendents. They formed their band in 1992 in Bremerton, Washington. The band initially had three members which were Mike Herrera on bass and vocals, Yuri Ruley on drums and Andy Husted on guitar, but after their debut album Husted left the band for college and was replaced by Tom Wisniewski on guitars. The line-up has remained strong since then. MxPx has been called a Christan band but they don't like being labeled. So far they have released 9 full length studio albums being "Pokinatcha" in 1994, "Teenage Politics" in 1995, "Life In General" in 1996, "Slowly Going The Way Of The Buffalo" in 1998, "The Ever Passing Moment" in 2000, "Before Everything And After" in 2003, "Panic", which is my personal favorite MxPx album, in 2005, "Secret Weapon" in 2007, and now their 9th release "Plans Within Plans" which was released on April 3, 2012 and their first release through their own record label, Rock City Records. The album has 13 tracks and totalling a little over 35 minutes. I have listened to this album an extreme number of times and I have decided to give this album an overall rating of
4.9 Out Of 5 Stars
because of the fact that this album is hands down one of the best that they have ever done, MxPx are living punk rock legends and have always put out amazing material. It is very difficult to pick out my favorite song but I think that if I had to pick one it it either "Best Of Times" or "When It Comes To You", even though those are a couple of the slower songs on the album but I think they are a couple of the most powerful songs on the CD, and the most passionate. The album featured a ton of faster paced songs and a few of my favorites were "Screw Loose", "Nothing Left", and "Stay On Your Feet". If you were to download or listen to only one song to get the feel for this album I think it would be the opening track "Aces Up" because of the classic MxPx feel and with great strong lyrics and fast punk rock music. The only reason that this album did not receive a 5/5 is because their were some points during the album where it felt as if I was listening to the same songs, but a little repetition is not bad because if you like it once your bound to like it twice, repetitiveness only bothers me when I cannot distinguish between songs, but other than that it was a perfect album. If you are a fan of MxPx or you just discovered them, you can pick up their album at your local Best Buy like I did and order it off of That's all I got for you guys on this one, so until the next one,